Prof. Emeritus Isak Gath

Phone | 073-3784115 | | |
Office | Silver Building, Room 240 |
- 1975 DSc Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technion, Israel
- 1970 D.I.C. Biomedical Engineering, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England
- 1964 MD Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
- Professor Isak Gath joined the Technion in 1975, and was appointed a Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering in 1991. During 1981 he was a Research Fellow at the Monakow Laboratory, University of Zurich, Switzerland. During 1989-1990 he was Professor of Applied Mathematics (held a Chair 'Chaire Municipale' ) at the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, the University of Grenoble. From September 1995 to February 1996 he was an Invited Professor at the same department. From September 1999 to February 2000 he was a Visiting Professor at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Oak Ridge, USA. From February 2005 to September 2005 he was an Invited Professor at the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Professor Gath is the coordinator of the Biological Signal Processing Laboratory.
- Gath, I. Letter to the Editor Regarding “Voice Tremor in Parkinson's Disease: An Acoustic Study” by Gillivan-Murphy et al., J. of Vice, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice. 2018.04.021
- Levy, O., Gath I. Effects of mating patterns on genealogical trees: assessment of the high carrier rate of Familial Mediterranean Fever in rural Israeli districts, J Theoretical Biol 443: 92-99, 2018.
- Braunstain, E., Gath, I. A new robust color descriptor for face detection, ICPRAM, 13-21, 2015.
- Braunstain E, Gath, I, Combined supervised / unsupervised Algorithm for skin detection: a preliminary phase for face detection, ICIAP , 351-360, 2013.
- Lamash, Y., Gath, I. A Comprehensive Feature Selection Method Applied to Pharmacogenetic Data. BIOCOMP 2009: 290-294.
- Lavner, Y., Gath, I. and Rosenhouse. Acoustic features and perceptive processes in the identification of familiar voices speaking isolated vowels. Speech Communication, 30:9-26, 2000.
- Shapira, Y. and Gath, I. Feature selection for multiple binary classification problems. Pattern Recognition Letters, 20:823-832, 1999.
- Salant, Y., Gath, I. and Henriksen, O. Prediction of epileptic seizures from multichannel EEG. Medical & Biological Eng. & Computing, 36:549-556, 1998.
- Shapira, Y. and Gath, I. A geometrical fuzzy clustering based solution to glottal wave estimation. J. Acoustical Society of America, 104:3070-3079, 1998.
- Harel, T., Gath, I. and Ben-Haim, S. System response of the sino-atrial node during vagal stimulation. Physiological Measurement, 19:1-9, 1998.
- Gath, I., Harris, B., Salant, Y., Henriksen, O., Feuerstein, C. and Rondouin, G. Processing of epileptic EEG. In: Gath, I. and Inbar, G. (eds) Advances in Processing and Pattern Analysis of Biological Signals. Plenum, New York, pp. 59-71, 1996.
- Gath, I. and Geva A., Unsupervised optimal fuzzy clustering. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 11(7):773 – 780, 1889.
- Signal processing and biosignal pattern recognition
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