Associate Prof. Joachim Behar

The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Laboratory (AIMLab)

Phone 073-3784125
Office Silver Building
Link to Lab


  • PhD Biomedical Engineering, Oxford, England
  • MSc Biomedical Engineering, Oxford, England
  • MEng, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
  • After completing his PhD, Joachim immigrated to Israel and pursued his research as a postdoctoral fellow at the Technion-IIT in computational physiology under the supervision of Prof. Yael Yaniv.
  • Computational learning (learning systems) in medicine, as part of the "Big Data" era.
  • Analysis of physiological time series
  • "Watch your sleep": Diagnosis and monitoring of sleep from physiological time series recorded using wearable sensors
  • Fetal Holter: Remote monitoring of at-risk pregnancies by a portable fetal monitor based on non-invasive fetal electrocardiography
  • Identification of dynamic biomarkers for digital phenotyping