Dr. Moti Freiman

Computational MRI Lab
Phone | 073-3784147 |
moti.freiman@bm.technion.ac.il | |
Office | Silver Building, Room 239 |
Link to Lab | https://tcml-bme.github.io/ |
- 2010 PhD School of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- 2005 MSc (magna cum laude) School of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- 2003 BSc Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- 2019 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Technion, Israel
- 2013-2019 Staff Research Scientist, Philips Healthcare, Haifa, Israel
- 2012-2019 Instructor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
- 2012-2015 Staff Scientist, Computational Radiology Lab (Prof. Simon K Warfield), Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
- 2010-2012 Post-doctoral research fellow, Computational Radiology Lab (Prof. Simon K Warfield), Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
- Unsupervised Abnormality Detection through Mixed Structure Regularization (MSR) in Deep Sparse Autoencoders. Freiman, R. Manjeshwar, and L. Goshen. Medical Physics, Vol. 46(5) 2223–2231, 2019
- A Functionally-Personalized Boundary Condition Model to Improve Estimates of Fractional Flow Reserve with CT (CT-FFR). Freiman, H. Nickisch, H. Schmitt, M. Vembar, P. Maurovich-Horvat , P.M. Donnelly, and L. Goshen. Medical Physics, Vol 45(3) 1170-1177, 2018.
- Compensating for the Effect of Motion on Parameter Estimation in Abdominal Diffusion-Weighted MRI by Simultaneous Image Registration and Model Estimation. S. Kurugol, Freiman, O. Afacan, L. Domachevsky, J.M Perez-Rossello, M.J. Callahan, S.K. Warfield. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 39 124-132, 2017.
- Spatially Constrained Incoherent Motion (SCIM) Method Improves Diffusion-Weighted MRI Signal Decay Analysis in the Liver and Spleen. V. Taimouri, O. Afacan, J.M Perez-Rossello, M.J. Callahan, R.V. Mulkern, S.K. Warfield, Freiman. Medical Physics, Vol. 42(4) 1895–1903, 2015.
- Quantitative functional MRI biomarkers improved early detection of colorectal liver metastases. Y. Edrei, Freiman, M. Sklair, G. Tsarfati, E. Gross, L. Joskowicz, R. Abramovitch. J. of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI), Vol. 39(5) 1246–1253, 2014.
- Reliable estimation of Incoherent Motion parametric maps from Diffusion-weighted MRI using fusion bootstrap moves. Freiman, J.M. Perez-Rossello, M.J. Callahan, S.D. Voss, K. Ecklund, R.V. Mulkern, S.K. Warfield. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 17(3) 325–362, 2013.
- Characterization of fast and slow diffusion from diffusion-weighted MRI of pediatric Crohn’s disease. Freiman, J.M. Perez-Rossello, M.J. Callahan, M. Bittman, R.V. Mulkern, A. 12 Bousvaros, S.K. Warfield. J. of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI), Vol. 37(1) 156–163, 2013.
- Improved high b-value diffusion-weighted imaging of the body using Simultaneous Model Estimation and Image Reconstruction (SMEIR). Freiman, O. Afacan, R.V. Mulkern, S.K. Warfield. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8151:1–8, Springer, 2013. (Oral presentation <5% acceptance rate)
- Reliable assessment of perfusivity and diffusivity from diffusion imaging of the body. Freiman, J.M. Perez-Rossello, M.J. Callahan, R.V. Mulkern, S.D Voss, S.K. Warfield. Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7510:1–8, Springer, 2012. (Oral presentation <5% acceptance rate, Honorable mention paper)
- Magnetic resonance Imaging
- Medical image Analysis and processing
- Deep-learning
- Computed Tomography
- Crohn’s disease
- Fetal Imaging
- Cardiac Imaging
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