Can anyone hear me?

A week ago we held our festive annual project presentation event, and for the first time it was completely online!
The graduating students (finishing their 4th year of BSc studies) presented systems and devices that predict epileptic seizures, monitor the mood of cancer patients, and prevent sudden death of athletes.
And the winners are:
1st place – Lidan Fridman, for the development of an innovative technology that helps get a precise diagnosis of hearing impairments. The project was conducted under the supervision of Matan Hamra and Assoc. Prof. Dvir Yelin, Head of the Biomedical Optics Laboratory.
2nd place – Yael Zaffrani, for the development of a technology that helps the early diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease. The project was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Moti Freiman at the Technion’s Computational MRI Laboratory.
3rd place – Maya Hershko, for the development of a technology that utilizes nanometric particles to inhibit uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells. The projects was conducted under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Avi Schroeder of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Head of the Laboratory for Targeted Drug Delivery and Personalized Medicine.
4th place – Niv Rebhun and Sofia Rozenberg, for the development of a low-cost 3d-printed prosthetic hand for transhumeral amputees. The project was supervised by Mr. Yoav Medan of Haifa3D.
5th place – Wurud Abu Elasal and Elia Khaesy, for the investigation of the mother-child brain-to-brain synchrony during joint story-telling. The project was supervised by Assis. Prof. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus of the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Director of the Educational Neuroimaging Center at the Technion.
The Audience’s Favorite Award was given to Ayelet Lotan and Opal Nimni, who developed a wearable device that identifies cardiac pathologies in their early stages. The project was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Yael Yaniv, Head of the Bioelectric and Bio-energic System Laboratory.
The faculty awarded Marina Tulchinsky, Roni Keshet and Ori Shahar the Entrepreneurship Award, for developing a device for remote speech therapy and self practice. The project was conducted under the supervision of Mr. Shaked Ron and Dr. Oscar Lichtenstein.
- Lidan Fridman
- Yael Zaffrani
- Maya Hershko
Assis. Prof. Nati Korin is leading the Biomedical Projects course. The projects were ranked by 30 judges that included Technion researchers, entrepreneurs and senior executive of the Biomedical industry. Five excellence awards were distributed, in addition to an Entrepreneurship Award and the Audience Favorite Award. As always, the generous prizes were courtesy of Liat and Doron Adler of Sanolla.
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