Projects in the Industry
In the Projects in the Industry course, undergraduate students work for one year on projects which implement the medical, engineering and scientific tools that they acquired and developed in the course of their studies. They thus meet the development and research needs of companies engaged in biomedical engineering, while complying with accepted standards. This course provides exceptional professional experience and challenges for graduating students and encourages their integration into the biomedical industry.
The projects are conducted in collaboration with companies in the biomedical industry and students are mentored by engineers from those companies. At the end of the year, the students present their projects at a conference attended by senior academics and representatives of the biomedical industry. A team judges the projects, selecting the most promising ones for industry-sponsored awards.
Projects play an important role in encouraging student entrepreneurship and are a key pillar of the Faculty vision, a platform for excellence and a bridge to long-term relationships and collaborations between academia and the industry’s leading companies.
Annual Projects Conference - September 2024
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