Excellence Program and Scholarships
The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering offers excelling students a special, rich program:
- Scholarship
- Faculty funding for the presentation of a research project at conferences
- Teaching compensation for faculty workshops or for assistance in preparation of teaching aids
- Lab rotation option in the fourth semester and summer semesters, as is customary in the world’s leading laboratories
- Individual guidance by Faculty researchers
- An additional scholarship during the first year of the master’s/doctoral program
- A fourth-year research project that can be developed into a graduate studies topic
- Fascinating social activities and more
Students can join the program in their second year of their BSc studies.
Academic supervisor of the program: Assoc. Prof. Yael Yaniv: yaely@bm.technion.ac.il

The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering offers several Excellence Scholarships to its students:
The Elinor and Norman Belfer Fellows Program
Excellence scholarship of the dual degree in Biomedical Engineering and Medicine track, for 3rd-year studentsFellowship Fund in Memory of Yaron Wynn
Excellence scholarship of the dual degree in Biomedical Engineering and Medicine track, for 4th-year studentsThe Zeidman Scholarship
An excellence scholarship for parallel MSc and BSc studies
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